18 Feb 2014 Blog Your Way To Cleaning Company Success in 4 Easy Steps! Web Solutions
Although running your own cleaning business can be an extremely satisfying and rewarding activity, the promotional side of things will always offer a challenge of sorts. There will always be competition in this line of business and you really need to ensure that your online presence is at least a few steps ahead of your rivals. In today’s tech-obsessed world the old fashioned word of mouth methods just don’t work anymore. And having an online presence by way of a smart website is just the bare minimum that any decent cleaning company needs in order to survive. But have you also got a business blog that helps to engage with customers old and new? These micro diaries offer an excellent vehicle with which to promote not only your services but also your brand into the online community that will hopefully make that transition into customers in the not too distant future. So take a look at these tips and see if you can’t get your very own blog up and running in the near future.
Get Started
Creating a blog is now easier than ever and you can check out the myriad of templates available from providers such as blogger.me for an introduction into this fascinating online media tool. When you are faced with thetemplate options, it is generally best to choose an uncluttered set of formats to begin with and you can always elaborate at a later stage. Remember to upload your brand and also link the blog to your website and vice versa.
Let Your Customers Join In
The beauty of having a vibrant and successful blog up and running is the two way banter that you can enjoy with customers old and new. The more engaging that your posts are, the more likely that your followers are to respond in turn. Offer tips on cleaning and use a few nice slides to get your point across, see how you can draw your audience into the whole conversation. Ask them for any advice that they may have to hand and think about setting up a regular competition that offers a free cleaning session or even two!
Share the Bounty
Don’t be backwards in coming forwards and remember that your blog is all about self-promotion. Visit other sites and remember to add a link back to your own micro diary, you never know who may pop in for a chat. Just remember to be gracious and show a genuine interest in whoever’s site or community that you frequent and they’ll repay the compliment.
Behind The Scenes
They best way to really bond with your customers is to let them into your own world, warts and all! Add a few slides that allow them to see the real nuts and bolts of running a cleaning company and you will definitely receive more likes than you believed were possible. Just remember to ask your current customers if they’ll allow you to include their palace when you decide to get all creative behind that camera.
Things really are that straightforward so get blogging and let us know how you’re doing in a few months!
Author Bio: Nancy Baker is a freelance blogger and an ace creative write with many years of experience writing for top blogs. Nancy has written on a myriad of topics and has written several posts for us.