How To Use Social Media To Win New Business

10 Feb 2014 How To Use Social Media To Win New Business Featured

If you are thinking about dipping your business toes into the social media pool, you could be in for a very pleasant surprise. Not only will you be spreading your brand around the whole digital world, but there are many fringe benefits just waiting to be tapped. This article explores the various ways that social media can be employed rather successfully to encourage new business to come your way.

Use Social Media

Start Looking For Customers

If you start monitoring social media effectively, you can start learning about your potential customers and their habits. LinkedIn is a great business-centric platform that allows you to connect to new communities and gain invaluable introductions. Don’t feel shy about asking a potential lead about their present suppliers and whether they are willing to try your wares instead. This is how the big boys roll so hang on tight and see if you can punch above your weight.

Be Receptive and Responsive

If you see that your stats are starting to drop badly, don’t sulk, instead you can start acting in a positive manner and use this as an opportunity to change your tack appropriately. The social media tools are there to help you analyse your business appeal, so instead of wasting them embrace the technology and look forward.

Be Selective

Okay, your website may look slick with all of the ‘follow me’ icons on the landing page, but don’t be fooled. Not every platform will suit your business and if youspread yourself too thin, you’ll be found out before too long.

follow me


Pretend that you are actually a consumer and visit your rival communities for some insider tips. You may come away feeling bored or you might just get some invaluable ideas. Try to get a feel for what the public really want from your industry sector and respond in kind.

Engage Before Hard Sell

Use your social media presence to stimulate some interest about your product or service. Potential customers are far more likely to warm to someone who has time for them and offers free and friendly advice when needed. You may be able to sell your great stock and services a little later, but build some trust and loyalty before you open that door.

Blog Your Site

Why not start a blog feed on your business site? Most of them have a ready made option and you can use the bandwidth to socialise with your new and existing customers. Add a few social sharing buttons and work that crowd until they feel the need to share your articles.

Social SEO

Most social media sites are going to have a very high Google page ranking, so take advantage of this fact by dominating your section of the platform and engage with your public as much as possible. The backlink effect should start to cement and pretty soon the search engine crawler and your site will be the best of buddies.

Social SEO

And There’s More…

Follow these tips by all means and remember that social media is a living entity, and this means that the top tips for business will always be evolving so never forget that!

Author Bio: Nancy Baker is a freelance blogger and an ace creative write with many years of experience writing for top blogs. Nancy has written on a myriad of topics and has written several posts for us.

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